Texture Plates

  • A young girl is making clay with a spoon on a table.
  • Clay pots with designs on them on a table.
  • Clay pieces on a table with paint on them.
  • Two young girls in a classroom with paint on their hands.
  • A young boy is making a flower out of clay.
  • A boy in a striped t-shirt is working on a clay project.
  • A young boy is making a dough with a brush.
1st Grade, Teaching

Students in the 1st grade learned all about texture. They learned that texture refers to how something feels or how something looks like it feels. First students explored texture through creating texture rubbings of different surfaces and objects around the classroom. They then learned to identify various types of texture such as soft, rough, smooth, furry, wet, etc. When they showed great knowledge of texture, they were introduced to impressions. An impression is something (such as a design or a footprint) made by pressing or stamping a surface. Using found materials, students explored making impressions in clay. They found it very interesting the textures created by leaving impressions in the clay.

Students of the 1st grade studied the element of texture in art. They learned that texture is how something feels to the touch or appears to feel. Students looked at various objects and described the texture they observed (smooth, rough, wet, furry, etc). They also explored the textures found in the art room. Using clay and found materials around the art room, students created texture plates. First they kneaded the clay and created a slab. They then used found materials & tools to create impressions into the clay surface. After the clay dried, students described the texture of the plate they created using texture based vocabulary words. They had a blast creating these plates!